Publications & Presentations

Some publications by lab staff, partners, and PIs related to research and projects aligned to GCAHFS interests but were not supported by GCAHFS funding.

Year Publications / Presentations

Hussain, Gulam. Tilapia Farming: Breeding Plans, Mass Seed Production, and Aquaculture Technologies. Academic Press, 2025.

View for Tilapia Farming: Breeding Plans, Mass Seed Production, and Aquaculture Technologies.



Garlock, Taryn M., Frank Asche, James L. Anderson, Håkan Eggert, Thomas M. Anderson, Bin Che, Carlos A. Chávez, et al. "Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability in Aquaculture: The Aquaculture Performance Indicators." Nature, June 20, 2024.

View for Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability in Aquaculture: The Aquaculture Performance Indicators.



Khan, Md. Akhtaruzzaman, Md. Emran Hossain, Md. Takibur Rahman, and Madan Mohan Dey. "How Price and Non-price Factors Influence the Market Price of Major Carp: Findings From the Dynamic ARDL Approach." Aquaculture, May 1, 2024, 741096.

View for How Price and Non-price Factors Influence the Market Price of Major Carp: Findings From the Dynamic ARDL Approach.



Landrau-Giovannetti, Nelmarie, Jordan Rogers, Ryanne Murray, Stephen R Reichley, Debra Moore, Theresa Madrigal, Ashli Brown, et al. “Determination of PCB and PAH Tissue Levels in Bottlenose Dolphins That Stranded in the Mississippi Sound Before and After the Unusual Mortality Event in 2019.” The Science of the Total Environment, October 1, 2024, 176747.

View for Determination of PCB and PAH Tissue Levels in Bottlenose Dolphins That Stranded in the Mississippi Sound Before and After the Unusual Mortality Event in 2019.



Amin, Mohammed Badrul, Prabhat Kumar Talukdar, Ajrin Sultana Sraboni, Md. Rayhanul Islam, Zahid Hayat Mahmud, David Berendes, Clare Narrod, Salina Parveen, and Mohammad Aminul Islam. "Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Major Foodborne Pathogens Isolated From Pangas and Tilapia Fish Sold in Retail Markets of Dhaka City, Bangladesh." International Journal of Food Microbiology, April 1, 2024, 110717.

View for Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Major Foodborne Pathogens Isolated From Pangas and Tilapia Fish Sold in Retail Markets of Dhaka City, Bangladesh.



Deb, Uttam, and Madan Dey. "The Crisis of Fisheries and Prospects for Fish as Food in Asia." In WORLD SCIENTIFIC eBooks, 165–211, 2024.

View for The Crisis of Fisheries and Prospects for Fish as Food in Asia.



Hossian, Shajjad, Md Faijan Reza, Mohammad Matiur Rahman, Mariom, Mohammed Jahangir Alam, Md Abdur Razzak, Md Fazlul Awal Mollah, Terrence R Tiersch, and Md Rafiqul Islam Sarder. "Use of Cryopreserved Sperm of Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idella) for Seed Production at the Hatchery Level of Bangladesh—A Need for Development of Germplasm Repositories." Aquaculture Research 2024, no. 1 (October 1, 2024).

View for Use of Cryopreserved Sperm of Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idella) for Seed Production at the Hatchery Level of Bangladesh—A Need for Development of Germplasm Repositories.



Rico Mendez, G. "Fish Innovation Lab: Driving Local Solutions for Sustainable Aquatic Foods." Presentation, Annual Feed the Future Innovation Labs Council Meeting, Washington, D.C., September 2024. 



Galligan, Bryan P., and Timothy R. McClanahan. “Nutrition Contributions of Coral Reef Fisheries Not Enhanced by Capture of Small Fish.” Ocean & Coastal Management 249 (March 1, 2024): 107011.

View for Nutrition Contributions of Coral Reef Fisheries Not Enhanced by Capture of Small Fish.



Galligan, Bryan P., and Timothy R. McClanahan. “Tropical Fishery Nutrient Production Depends on Biomass-based Management.” iScience, (March 1, 2024): 109420.

View for Tropical Fishery Nutrient Production Depends on Biomass-based Management.



Hussain, M.G. "Implementation of Fish Innovation Lab Funded Projects in Asia Region: Role and Impacts on Aquaculture and Fisheries Development in Bangladesh and Cambodia." Presentation, Aquaculture America 2024, San Antonio, Texas, February 2024.



Hussain, M.G. "Sustainable Fisheries and Mariculture: Enhancing Food Security, livelihood and protecting marine ecosystems in Bangladesh." Presentation, Blue Economy of Bangladesh: Integrating Economic Growth and Ocean Health, Dhaka, Bangladesh, November 8, 2024.



Islam, M.A. "Identifying Major Sources of Foodborne Pathogens in Bangladeshi Aquaculture Value Chains Using a Farm-to-Consumer Approach." Presentation, International Association of Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting 2024, Long Beach, California, July 2024.



Khor, Laura, Ot Bodunde, Robert W. Wills, Larry A. Hanson, Olanike Kudirat Adeyemo, Oluwasanmi Olayinka Aina, Selim Adewale Alarape, J. Delamare-Deboutteville, and C. V. Mohan. “Understanding Aquaculture Biosecurity to Improve Catfish Disease Management in Ogun and Delta States, Nigeria.” Aquaculture, (February 1, 2024): 740664.

View for Understanding Aquaculture Biosecurity to Improve Catfish Disease Management in Ogun and Delta States, Nigeria.



Lawrence, Mark L. "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish." Presentation, Briefing of Ambassador Lapenn on the Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation, March 2024.



Lawrence, Mark L. "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish." Presentation, USAID Bangladesh Mission Meeting, January 2024.



Lawrence, Mark L. "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish." Presentation, USAID Ghana Mission Meeting, March 2024.



Lawrence, Mark L. "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish." Presentation, USAID Kenya Mission Meeting, January 2024.



Lawrence, Mark L. "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish." Presentation, USAID Nigeria Mission Meeting, January 2024.



Lawrence, Mark L. "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish." Presentation, USAID Zambia Mission Meeting, January 2024.



Lawrence, Mark L. "Partnering for Impact: Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish and Farmer-to-Farmer." Presentation, Farmer-to-Farmer Retreat, Virtual, February 2024.



Lawrence, Mark L., Stephen R. Reichley, Gina Rico Mendez, Masey Smith, Kelly Stewart, and Laura Zseleczky. "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish: Setting the Table for Global Impact." Presentation, Aquaculture America 2024, San Antonio, Texas, February 2024.



McClanahan, T.R., Oddenyo, R.M., and Kosgei, Jesse K. "Challenges to Managing Fisheries with High Inter-Community Variability on the Kenya-Tanzania Border." Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 7 (January 1, 2024): 100244.

View for Challenges to Managing Fisheries with High Inter-Community Variability on the Kenya-Tanzania Border.



Oaks, Brietta M., Emmanuel A. Gyimah, Eliza Kleban, Kathleen Ragsdale, and Lora L. Iannotti. "Mollusc and Crustacean Consumption in the First 1000 Days: A Scoping Review." Nutrition Research Reviews, February 12, 2024, 1–11.

View for Mollusc and Crustacean Consumption in the First 1000 Days: A Scoping Review.



Rico Mendez, G. "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish: Translating Knowledge Into Impact for Sustainable Aquatic Foods." Presentation, Twenty-fourth Meeting: The Ocean as a Source of Sustainable Food, United Nations Open-Ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea (ICP-24), United Nations Headquarters, New York, New York, June 2024.



Ragsdale, Kathleen, Mary R. Read-Wahidi, Netsayi N. Mudege, Lora L. Iannotti, Lizzy Muzungaire, and Priscilla Funduluka. “Sensory Panel Results of a Dried Fish Powder Supplement Among Caregivers and Young Children in Zambia.” Public Health Nutrition, November 30, 2023, 1–36.

View for Sensory Panel Results of a Dried Fish Powder Supplement Among Caregivers and Young Children in Zambia.



Adegoye, Grace Adeola, Terezie Tolar-Peterson, Henrietta Nkechi Ene-Obong, Joseph Nkem Nuntah, Monica M. Pasqualino, Rahel Mathews, Juan L. Silva, Wen-Hsing Cheng, Marion Willard Evans, Jr., and Lauren Pincus. 2023. "Development and Validation of Nutrition and Food Safety Educational Material for Fish Processors in Nigeria." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20, no. 6: 4891.

View for Development and Validation of Nutrition and Food Safety Educational Material for Fish Processors in Nigeria.



Alarape, S. A. "Isolation and Characterization of Klebsiella and Pseudomonas Species From Farmed African Catfish in Nigeria and Their Implications." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Ali, Hazrat, Ben Belton, Mohammad Mahfujul Haque, and Khondker Murshed-e-Jahan. “Transformation of the Feed Supply Segment of the Aquaculture Value Chain in Bangladesh.” Aquaculture 576 (July 2023): 739897.

View for Transformation of the Feed Supply Segment of the Aquaculture Value Chain in Bangladesh.



Ali, Hazrat, Ben Belton, Mohammad Mahfujul Haque, Khondker Murshed-e-Jahan, and Liz Ignowski. “The Structure, Conduct, and Performance of the Hatchery Segment of the Aquaculture Value Chain in Bangladesh.” Frontiers in Aquaculture 2 (July 2023).

View for The Structure, Conduct, and Performance of the Hatchery Segment of the Aquaculture Value Chain in Bangladesh.



Amin, M. B., Islam, M. A., Narrod, C., Parveen, S., Hoque, K. I., Sraboni, A. S., & Uddin, H. "Assessment of Foodborne Pathogens and Hygiene Practices Along the Fish Supply Chains in Bangladesh." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Azmi, A. M. "Standardization of Cryopreservation Protocol of Indian Major Carp, Mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) and Production of Seeds Using Cryopreserved Sperm in Selected Hatcheries." Thesis presentation, Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, March 2023.



Barrett Christa E., Moore Debra P., Lee Alison M., and Dennison Sophie. 2023. "Description of Normal Pulmonary Radiographic Findings in 55 Apparently Healthy Juvenile Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles (Lepidochelys kempii)." Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10, (February).

View for Description of Normal Pulmonary Radiographic Findings in 55 Apparently Healthy Juvenile Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles (Lepidochelys Kempii)



Chum, C., Wang, S., Dahlgren, C., Som, S., Schilling, M.W., Allen, P.J., Neal, J.W., Correa, S., and Dinh, T. "Consumer Preference for Fish Species and Cooking in Cambodia." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Correa, S., Neal, J. W., Allen, P. J., Som, S., and Yon, T.G. "iFISH - A Citizens-Science-Based Community Fisheries Assessment Tool." Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, MI, August 2023.



Dey, M., Hossain, M., Rahman, M. T., and Khan, M. "How Price and Non-Price Factors Influence the Market Price of Major Carp Fish: An Advanced Time Series Analysis." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Dey, M., Hossain, M., Rahman, M. T., and Khan, M. A. "Export Potentiality of Aquaculture Fish Species: Evidence From Bangladesh." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Dey, M., Rahman, M. T., Das, A., Deb, P., and Khan, M. "Household Fish Consumption Pattern in Bangladesh." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Halwart, M., Ajani, E. K., Bart, A., Ajayi, O., Burtle, G. J. "Can the Diversification of Rice Farming With Fish Support Communities and Countries in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? Insights From Nigeria, Lao PDR, and P.R. China." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Halwart, M., Ajani, E. K., Bart, A., Ajayi, O., Fonsah, E. G. "Apparent Digestibility Coefficients of By-Products in Integrated Rice and Fish Farming (Rice Bran and Fish Offal Meal) Fed to the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) and Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) Juveniles." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Halwart, M., Ajani, E. K., Bart, A., Ajayi, O., Fonsah, E. G. "Assessment of Water Utilization, Water Quality Performance, and Nutrient Requirement Under Integrated Rice-Fish Farming." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Halwart, M., Ajani, E. K., Bart, A., Ajayi, O., Fonsah, E. G. "Maximizing the Nutritional Impact of a Farm Diversification (Rice-Fish) Intervention: A Case Study From Nigeria." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Hamilton, M.G., Yeasin, M., Akhter, M.M., and Benzie, J.A.H. "Genetic Improvement of Rohu (Labeo rohita) in Bangladesh." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Hanson, L. A. "Understanding Aquaculture Biosecurity to Improve Catfish Disease Management in Ogun and Delta States, Nigeria." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Howard, D., Read-Wahidi, and M., Ragsdale, K. 2023. "Why is Gender Equity Important in Agricultural Development? Assessing Gender Responsive Research in the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish." Poster Presentation, Mississippi State University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State, MS, April 13-14, 2023.



Hussain, Gulam. “Aquaculture in Bangladesh: Recent Advancement, Prospects, Challenges and Overall Impacts of Fish Innovation Lab Funded Projects.” Presentation, Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Hussain, M. Gulam, M.S. Islam, M. Moshiur Rahman, and A.H.M. Kohinoor. “Genetically Improved Aquaculture Species in Bangladesh.” Frontiers in Aquaculture Biotechnology, 25–46, 2023.

View for Genetically Improved Aquaculture Species in Bangladesh.



Hussain, M.G. "Best Practices for Carp and Tilapia Brood Stock Management in Bangladesh." Presentation, Global Fisheries Conference, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, November 2023.



Hussain, M.G. "Inland, Coastal, and Offshore Fishery Resources: Solution for Mass Protein in Bangladesh." In Transforming Bangladesh: Geography, People, Economy and Environment, edited by Raquib Ahmed, Abdullah Al-Maruf, and J. Craig Jenkins (World Regional Geography Book Series, Springer, November 2023).

View for Inland, Coastal, and Offshore Fishery Resources: Solution for Mass Protein in Bangladesh.



Ignowski, L., Belton, B., Ali, H. et al. 2023. "Integrated Aquatic and Terrestrial Food Production Enhances Micronutrient and Economic Productivity for Nutrition-Sensitive Food Systems." Nature Food.

View for Integrated Aquatic and Terrestrial Food Production Enhances Micronutrient and Economic Productivity for Nutrition-Sensitive Food Systems.



Kamau-Mbuthia, Elizabeth, Carolyn Lesorogol, Andrew Wamukota, Austin Humphries, Catherine Sarange, Ruth Mbeyu, Chris Cheupe, et al. “Sustainable Aquatic Food Systems: Multisectoral Analysis of Determinants of Child Nutrition in Coastal Kenya.” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7 (2023).

View for Sustainable Aquatic Food Systems: Multisectoral Analysis of Determinants of Child Nutrition in Coastal Kenya.



Kennedy, Gina, Molly B. Ahern, Lora L. Iannotti, Sydney Vie, Lisa Sherburne, and Shakuntala H. Thilsted. "Considering the Food Environment Can Help to Promote the Consumption of Aquatic Foods for Healthy Diets." Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7 (December 29, 2023).

View for Considering the Food Environment Can Help to Promote the Consumption of Aquatic Foods for Healthy Diets.



Khan, M., Rahman, M. T., DEY, M. M., and Islam, I. "Are Trade Credits a Drain for Gain in the Aquaculture Industry of Bangladesh?" Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Kolbila, R., Ragsdale, K., Mudege, N.M., Read-Wahidi, M.R., Muzungaire, L., and Kakwasha, K. "FishFirst! Zambia: Sensory Panel III Results for Two Novel ComFA+Fish Instant Complementary Porridges and Implications for Scaling Across Zambia and Sub-Saharan Africa." Mississippi Academy of Sciences and Mississippi State University: 2023 Summer Science & Engineering Symposium, Mississippi State University, MS, July 2023.



Lawrence, M., Allen, P. "Fish to feed the world: Advancing sustainable solutions for global food security." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Lawrence, Mark L. "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish: Using Fish to Improve Nutrition in Vulnerable Populations." Online presentation, Making Food Systems Work for Complementary Feeding in Early Childhood, Washington DC, December 2023.



McClanahan, T. R. and  Kosgei, J. K. "Low Optimal Fisheries Yield Creates Challenges for Sustainability in a Climate Refugia." Conservation Science and Practice, no. e13043 (October 2023).

View for Low Optimal Fisheries Yield Creates Challenges for Sustainability in a Climate Refugia.



McClanahan, T. R., Kosgei, J. K., Oddenyo, R., Abunge, C., & Kodi, M. A. "Challenges to Rural and Fisheries Planning and Development on the Kenya-Tanzania International Boundary." The 12th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, July 2023.



Md. Akhtaruzzaman Khan, Md. Emran Hossain, Md. Takibur Rahman, and Madan Mohan Dey. 2023. "COVID-19's effects and adaptation strategies in fisheries and aquaculture sector: An empirical evidence from Bangladesh." Aquaculture 562, (January 2023). 738822, ISSN 0044-8486.

View for COVID-19's effects and adaptation strategies in fisheries and aquaculture sector: An empirical evidence from Bangladesh.



Mim, J. M. and Khan, M. "Access to Credit and Trade Credit in Aquaculture Farming of Bangladesh." Thesis presentation, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh, March 2023.



Navarathna, Chanaka M., Hannah Pray, Prashan M. Rodrigo, Beatrice Arwenyo, Cassidy McNeely, Henry Reynolds, Natalie Hampton, Katherine Lape, Katie Roman, Maddie Heath, Sean Stokes, Sameera R. Gunatilake, Gombojav Ariunbold, Felio Perez, Rooban V. K. G. Thirumalai, EI Barbary Hassan, Islam Elsayed, Dinesh Mohan, Ashli Brown, Debra Moore, Stephen Reichley, Mark Lawrence, and Todd E. Mlsna. 2023. "Microplastics and Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Analysis in Sea Turtles and Bottlenose Dolphins along Mississippi’s Coast." Analytica 4, no. 1: 12-26.

View for Microplastics and Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Analysis in Sea Turtles and Bottlenose Dolphins along Mississippi’s Coast



Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M., Mudege, N., Marinda, P., and Kolbila, R. 2023. "Using a Gender Lens to Explore Food Insecurity among Rural Fishers, Processors, and Fish Traders at Zambia’s Lake Kariba: Results from the Household Hunger Scale II." Accepted Oral Presentation, Nutrition 2023 Conference, American Society for Nutrition, Boston, MA, July 22-25, 2023.



Rahman, Md. Takibur, Md. Akhtaruzzaman Khan, Imranul Islam, and Madan M. Dey. “Trade Credits in Farming: A Drain for Gain in the Aquaculture Industry of Bangladesh.” Aquaculture Economics & Management, December 9, 2023, 1–15.

View for Trade Credits in Farming: A Drain for Gain in the Aquaculture Industry of Bangladesh.



Reichley, Stephen R., Mark L. Lawrence, Gina Rico Mendez, Masey Smith, Kelly Stewart, and Laura Zseleczky. "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish: Harnessing the Power of Fish for a Resilient Future." Presentation, Aquaculture Africa 2023, Zambia, November 2023.



Sarder, M.R.I., Rahman, M.M., Mariom, Alam, M.J., Razzak, M.A., Hossian, S. and Tiersch, T.R. "Cryogenic Sperm Banking of Catla (Catla catla), Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), and Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and Production of Seeds in Commercial Hatcheries." Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023.



Sawyer, N., Ragsdale, K., Mudege, N., Read-Wahidi, M., Marinda, P., Muzungaile, L. Kakwasha, K., and Kolbila, R. 2023. "Adapting the Household Hunger Scale to Collect Food Insecurity Data at Both the Individual- and Household-Level at Zambia’s Lake Kariba." Poster Presentation, Mississippi State University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State, MS, April 13-14, 2023.



Siamujompa, Mazuba, Kunda Ndashe, Frederick Chitonga Zulu, Chanda Chitala, Mwansa M. Songe, Katendi Changula, Ladslav Moonga, Emmanuel Shamulai Kabwali, Stephen Reichley, and Bernard Mudenda Hang’ombe. 2023. "An Investigation of Bacterial Pathogens Associated with Diseased Nile Tilapia in Small-Scale Cage Culture Farms on Lake Kariba, Siavonga, Zambia." Fishes 8, no. 9: 452.

View for An Investigation of Bacterial Pathogens Associated with Diseased Nile Tilapia in Small-Scale Cage Culture Farms on Lake Kariba, Siavonga, Zambia.



Smith, M., Ragsdale, K., Mudege, N.M., Read-Wahidi, M.R., Muzungaire, L., Iannotti, L., Kolbila, R., and Kakwasha, K. "FishFirst! Zambia: Engaging Private Sector Actors in Scaling ComFA+Fish Protein/Micronutrient Blends and Testing Four ComFA+Fish-Fortified Traditional Dishes and Two Instant Complementary Porridges." Poster presentation, Mississippi State University: 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State University, MS, August 2023.



Smith, M., Ragsdale, K., Mudege, N.M., Read-Wahidi, M.R., Muzungaire, L., Kolbila, R., and Kakwasha, K. "FishFirst! Zambia Sensory Panels I-II: Evaluating Four ComFA+Fish-Fortified Traditional Dishes Among Zambian Mothers and Infants." Mississippi Academy of Sciences and Mississippi State University: 2023 Summer Science & Engineering Symposium, Mississippi State University, MS, July 2023.



Smith, M., Ragsdale, K., Mudege, N., Read-Wahidi, M., Muzungaile, L., Funduluka, P., Muzungaile, T., Kakwasha, K., and Kolbila, R. 2023. "FishFirst! Zambia Nutrition-Related Activities: Encouraging Fish Consumption Among Vulnerable Mother-Infant Dyads at Lake Kariba." Poster Presentation, Mississippi State University 2023 Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State, MS, April 13-14, 2023.



Yon, T. "Assessing Spatial and Seasonal Patterns of Fish Diversity of Artisanal Fisheries in the Sre Ambel River System." Thesis presentation, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, February 2023.



Zaman, H. and Khan, M. "Impact of COVID-19 on Aquaculture Farming in Bangladesh." Thesis presentation, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh, March 2023.



Blackmore, Ivy, Andrew Wamukota, Elizabeth Kamau-Mbuthia, Austin Humphries, Carolyn Lesorogol, Rachel Cohn, Catherine Sarange, et al. “Samaki Salama – Promoting Healthy Child Growth and Sustainable Fisheries in Coastal Kenya: A Study Protocol.” Frontiers in Public Health 10 (2022).

View for Samaki Salama – Promoting Healthy Child Growth and Sustainable Fisheries in Coastal Kenya: A Study Protocol.



Cartmill, M. K., Blackmore, I., Sarange, C., Mbeyu, R., Cheupe, C., Cheupe, J., Kamau-Mbuthia, E., Iannotti, L., Wamukota, A., Humphries, A., & Lesorogol, C. 2022. "Fish and complementary feeding practices for young children: Qualitative research findings from coastal Kenya." PLoS ONE, 17(3), e0265310.

View for Fish and complementary feeding practices for young children: Qualitative research findings from coastal Kenya.



Chisopo, A., Marinda, P., Mudege, N., Read-Wahidi, M., Ragsdale, K., Kolbila, R., & Smith, M. 2022. "Post-harvest fish loss and impacts on smallscale fishery livelihoods in Zambia and adjacent countries: A FishFirst! Zambia literature review." Poster Presentation, 2022 Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State University, MS. April 13, 2022.



Deb, P., Dey, M. M., Surathkal, P. 2022. "Fish price volatility dynamics in Bangladesh." Aquaculture Economics & Management.

View for Fish price volatility dynamics in Bangladesh.



Galligan, Bryan P., McClanahan, Timothy R., and HumphriesAustin T. 2022. "Nutrient Capture and Sustainable Yield Maximized by a Gear Modification in Artisanal Fishing Traps." Environmental Research Letters 17, no. 124035.

View for Nutrient Capture and Sustainable Yield Maximized by a Gear Modification in Artisanal Fishing Traps.



Halwart, M., Ajani, E. K., Bart, A., Ajayi, O., Fonsah, E. G. "Economic and Health Benefits of Introducing Fish in Rice Producing Farms of Nigeria." World Aquaculture Singapore 2022, Singapore, December 2022.



Halwart, M., Ajani, E. K., Bart, A., Ajayi, O., Fonsah, E. G. "Lessons From Introduction of Integrated Rice-Fish System in Northern and Southern Regions of Nigeria." World Aquaculture Singapore 2022, Singapore, December 2022.



Hamilton, M., Yeasin, M., Alam, M., Ali, M., Fakhruddin, M., Islam, M., Barman, B., Shikuku, K., Shelley, C., Rossignoli, C., and Benzie, J. 2022. "On-farm performance of genetically-improved rohu (Labeo rohita) in Bangladesh." Frontiers in Aquaculture 1.

View for On-farm performance of genetically-improved rohu (Labeo rohita) in Bangladesh



Hossain, M. E., Khan, M. A., Dey, M. M., and Alam, M. S. 2022. "Insights of freshwater carp polyculture in Bangladesh: Inefficiency, yield gap, and yield loss perspectives." Aquaculture, 557.

View for Insights of freshwater carp polyculture in Bangladesh: Inefficiency, yield gap, and yield loss perspectives.



Hossain, M. E., Khan, M. A., Saha, S. M., and Dey, M. M. 2022. "Economic assessment of freshwater carp polyculture in Bangladesh: Profit sensitivity, economies of scale and liquidity." Aquaculture, 548(1).

View for Economic assessment of freshwater carp polyculture in Bangladesh: Profit sensitivity, economies of scale and liquidity.



Hussain, M.G., Islam, M.S., Rahman, M.M., and Kohinoor, A.H.M. 2022. "Genetically Improved Aquaculture Species in Bangladesh: Advances and Challenges." In: W.S. Lakra, M. Goswami and V.L. Trudeau (Editors), Frontiers in Aquaculture Biotechnology, pp 25 – 45, Elsevier, Academic Press, 125 London, United Kingdom.

View for Genetically Improved Aquaculture Species in Bangladesh: Advances and Challenges



Hussain. M. G. 2022. "Threatened Fish Genetic Resources and Biological Diversity of the Baluhar Baor Wetland in Bangladesh." Journal of Bangladesh Agriculture, 11(1), 47-56.



Iannotti, L.L., Oaks, B.M., Ragsdale, K., and Tolar-Peterson, T. "Role of Fish and Other Aquatic Animal-Source Food in Enhancing Nutrition and Food Security Among Vulnerable Populations in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Zambia." Panel presentation, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 2022.



J. Sebastian Hernandez-Suarez, A. Pouyan Nejadhashemi, Hannah Ferriby, Nathan Moore, Ben Belton, and Mohammad Mahfujul Haque. 2022. "Performance of Sentinel-1 and 2 imagery in detecting aquaculture waterbodies in Bangladesh." Environmental Modelling & Software 157, 105534, ISSN 1364-8152.

View for Performance of Sentinel-1 and 2 imagery in detecting aquaculture waterbodies in Bangladesh.



Malama, F., Marinda, P., Mudege, N., Read-Wahidi, M., Ragsdale, K., Kolbila, R., and Issac, A. 2022. "Fish consumption and related nutritional status among women and young children in Zambia and adjacent countries: A FishFirst! Zambia literature review." Poster Presentation, 2022 Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State University, MS, April 13, 2022.



Mark A. Arick II, Corrinne E. Grover, Chuan-Yu Hsu, Zenaida Magbanua, OlgaPechanova, Emma R. Miller, Adam Thrash, Ramey C. Youngblood, Lauren Ezzell, Md Samsul Alam, John A. H. Benzie, Matthew G. Hamilton, Attila Karsi, Mark L. Lawrence, and Daniel G. Peterson. 2022. "A high-quality chromosome-level genome assembly of rohu carp, Labeo rohita, and its utilization in SNP-based exploration of gene flow and sex determination." bioRxiv. 10.1093/g3journal/jkad009.

View for A high-quality chromosome-level genome assembly of rohu carp, Labeo rohita, and its utilization in SNP-based exploration of gene flow and sex determination.



Md. Akhtaruzzaman Khan, Md. Emran Hossain, Md. Sayemul Islam, Md. Takibur Rahman, and Madan Mohan Dey. 2022. "Shrimp export competitiveness and its determinants: A novel dynamic ARDL simulations approach." Aquaculture Economics & Management 27, no. 2 (June 24, 2022): 221-248

View for Shrimp export competitiveness and its determinants: A novel dynamic ARDL simulations approach.



Md. Emran Hossain, Md. Akhtaruzzaman Khan, Sourav Mohan Saha, and Madan Mohan Dey. 2022. "Economic assessment of freshwater carp polyculture in Bangladesh: Profit sensitivity, economies of scale and liquidity." Aquaculture 548, Part 1, (February 2022). 737552, ISSN 0044-8486.

View for Economic assessment of freshwater carp polyculture in Bangladesh: Profit sensitivity, economies of scale and liquidity.



Oaks, B. "Anemia, Food Insecurity, and Oyster Consumption Among Women Shellfishers in Ghana and the Gambia." International Congress of Nutrition, Tokyo, Japan, December 2022.



Omonona, B. T. "Fish Feed Production Using Black Soldier Fly Larvae as Replacement for Fish Meal." FAO National Workshop on Rice-Fish Farming: A Farm Diversification Strategy, Ibadan, Nigeria, December 2022.



Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M. R., Marinda, P., Pincus, L., Torell, E., and Kolbila, R. 2022. "Adapting the WEAI to explore gender equity among fishers, processors, and sellers/traders at Zambia’s Lake Bangweulu." World Development 152, 105821.

View for Adapting the WEAI to explore gender equity among fishers, processors, and sellers/traders at Zambia’s Lake Bangweulu.



Rahman, M.M., Razzak, M.A., Sarder, M.R.I., Mariom, and Tiersch, T.R. "Development of Cryogenic Sperm Bank of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and Seed Production in Commercial Hatcheries for Brood Banking." World Aquaculture Singapore 2022, Singapore, December 2022.



Sarder, M.R.I., Alam, M.J., Rahman, M.M., Mariom, and Tiersch, T.R. "Cryogenic Sperm Banking of Indian Major Carp, Rohu (Labeo rohita), and Production of Quality Seeds in Commercial Hatcheries." World Aquaculture Singapore 2022, Singapore, December 2022.



Zhang, W., Belton, B., Edwards, P. Henrikkson, P. J. G., Little, D. C., Newton, R., and Troell, M. 2022. "Aquaculture will continue to depend more on land than sea." Nature 603, E2-E4.

View for Aquaculture will continue to depend more on land than sea.



Barría, A., Trịnh, T. Q., Mahmuddin, M., Peñaloza, C., Papadopoulou, A., Gervais, O., Chadag, V. M., Benzie, J. A. H., and Houston, R. D. 2021. "A major quantitative trait locus affecting resistance to Tilapia lake virus in farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)." Heredity 127, (July 2021): 334–343.

View for A major quantitative trait locus affecting resistance to Tilapia lake virus in farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).



Burtle, Gary J. "Feeding Fish in Rice-Fish Systems." University of Ibadan Seminar, Ibadan, Nigeria, August 2021.



Colverson, K., Ragsdale, K., Castellanos, P., Sumner, D., O’Brien, C., Read-Wahidi, M. R., Tufan, H. A., and Marter-Kenyon, J. 2021. "Gender across USAID’s Feed the Future Innovation Labs: Lessons and approaches that cultivate gender-transformative agricultural development." Panel Session, Cultivating Equality Conference 2021: Advancing Gender Research in Agriculture and Food Systems, Virtual.



Failler, P., Hussain, M. G., Karim, A. A., Alam, M. K, Sarker, S., Rouf, M. A., Sharifuzzaman, S. M., Hossain, M. M., Nobi, M. N., Das, J., Uddin, S. A., Shemon, W. S., and Hassan, D. 2021. "The future of the blue economy in Bangladesh." Bangladesh Maritime Journal, Special Issue, 15 - 28.



Ferriby H., Nejadhashemi A. P., Hernandez-Suarez J. S., Moore N., Kpodo J., Kropp I., Eeswaran R., Belton B., and Haque M. M. 2021. "Harnessing Machine Learning Techniques for Mapping Aquaculture Waterbodies in Bangladesh." Remote Sensing 13(23), 4890.

View for Harnessing Machine Learning Techniques for Mapping Aquaculture Waterbodies in Bangladesh.



Fonsah, E. "Revolutionizing Agriculture in Africa." University of Ibadan Seminar, Ibadan, Nigeria, August 2021.



Iannotti, L., Blackmore, I., Cohn, R., Chen, F., Gyimah, E. A., Chapnick, M., and Humphries, A. 2021. "Aquatic animal foods for nutrition security and child health." Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 43(2), 127–47.

View for Aquatic animal foods for nutrition security and child health.



Pechal, J.L. "Applications of Insect-Microbiome Interactions." Invited Seminar (Virtual), Texas A&M University, February 2021.



Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M. R., Marinda, P., Pincus, L., Torell, E. & Kolbila, R. 2021. "Using the Household Hunger Scale to explore food insecurity among smallscale fishers, processors, and traders at Zambia’s Lake Bangweulu: Fish4Zambia Results." Poster Presentation, 2021 Women and Gender in International Development Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, February 2021. [Converted to virtual meeting due to Covid-19 pandemic.]



Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M. R., Marinda, P., Pincus, L., Torell, E., and Kolbila, R. 2021. "Fish4Zambia: Focusing a gender lens on household-level hunger among Lake Bangweulu fisher families." Invited Presentation, SSRC Brown Bag Speaker Series, Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University, Virtual.



Rice, M. A. 2021. "Intensive Fishing Effort and Market Controls as Management Tools for Invasive Aquatic Species: A Review." Asian Fisheries Science 34(4), 383-392.

View for Intensive Fishing Effort and Market Controls as Management Tools for Invasive Aquatic Species: A Review.



Rodrigue Yossa, Alexander M. Greiling, Rose Komugisha Basiita, Masautso E. Sakala, Wes Baumgartner, Adam Taylor, and Delbert M. Gatlin. 2021. "Replacing fishmeal with a single cell protein feedstuff in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus diets, Dry yeast product DY-Pro in Nile tilapia diets." Animal Feed Science and Technology 281, (November 2021). 115089.

View for Replacing fishmeal with a single cell protein feedstuff in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus diets, Dry yeast product DY-Pro in Nile tilapia diets.



Torell, E., Manyungwa-Pasani, C., Bilecki, D., Gumulira, I., and Yiwombe, G. 2021. "Assessing and advancing gender equity in Lake Malawi's small-scale fisheries sector." Sustainability 13(23).

View for Assessing and advancing gender equity in Lake Malawi's small-scale fisheries sector.



Yossa, R., Greiling, A. M., Basiita, R. K., Sakala, M. E., Baumgartner, W. A., Taylor, A., and Gatlin III, D. M. 2021. "Replacing fishmeal with a single cell protein feedstuff in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus diets." Animal Feed Science and Technology 281.

View for Replacing fishmeal with a single cell protein feedstuff in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus diets.



Aftab Uddin, S., Hussain, M. G., Abdullah Al, M., Failler, P., and Drakeford, B. M. 2020. "On the potential and constraints of mariculture development in Bangladesh." Aquaculture International.

View for On the potential and constraints of mariculture development in Bangladesh.



Ajani, E. K., and Omitoyin, B. O. 2020. "The project objectives and implementation arrangement." Presentation, Stakeholder Workshop and Innovation Platform in Kebbi and Ebonyi state, Birnin-Kebbi, and Abakaliki, Nigeria, September 2020.



Alam, M., and Khan, M. 2020. "Economics of Rohu (Labeo rohita) based carp polyculture in Bangladesh and necessity for genetic improvement programs." Presentation, Mississippi State University, MS, March 2020.



Humphries, A. 2020. "Working towards ecosystem health solutions in Kenya." Presentation, University of California, Santa Cruz Coastal Science and Policy Seminar Series, Santa Cruz, CA, February 24, 2020.



Hussain, M. G. 2020. "Blue Economy development in Bangladesh under the context of SDG 14." Keynote Presentation, 7th Session on Blue Economy Development in Bangladesh under the Context of SDG 14, “Life Below Water,” Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 2020.



Marinda, P., Noelle, N., Genschick, S., and Thilsted, S.H. 2020. "The potential contribution of small fish to dietary nutrient adequacy and nutritional status of women of reproductive age and under-five children in Zambia." Poster Presentation, Nutrition-Sensitive Fish Agri-Food Systems Workshop, Lusaka, Zambia, February 24-25, 2020.



Marinda, P., Ragsdale, K., Read-Wahidi, M.R., Kolbila, R., Pincus, L., and Torell, E. 2020. "Fish4Zambia: Research to close fish consumption and nutrition gaps in Zambia’s Lake Bangweulu region." Oral Presentation, Nutrition-Sensitive Fish Agri-Food Systems Workshop, Lusaka, Zambia, February 24, 2020.



Patil, P. G., Virdin, J., Colgan, C. S., Hussain, M. G., Failler, P., and Veigh, T. 2020. "Initial measures of the economic activity linked to Bangladesh's ocean space, and implications for the country's blue economy policy objectives." Journal of Indian Ocean Rim Studies 3(1), 1-13.

View for Initial measures of the economic activity linked to Bangladesh's ocean space, and implications for the country's blue economy policy objectives.



Ragsdale, K., Kolbila, R., Marinda, P., Read-Wahidi, M.R., Pincus, L., and Torell, E. 2020. "Fish4Zambia preliminary results: Exploring food insecurity among men and women in Zambia’s Lake Bangweulu region." Accepted Oral Presentation, Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, March 17-2, 2020. [conference canceled due to COVID-19]



Ragsdale, K., Marinda, P., Read-Wahidi, M., Pincus, L., Torell, E., and Kolbila, R. 2020. "Fish4Zambia: Exploring food insecurity among fishing value chain actors at Lake Bangweulu." Accepted poster presentation, Fourth International Conference on Global Food Security, Montpellier, France. [conference canceled due to COVID-19]



Torell, E. C., Jamu, D. M., Kanyere, G. Z., Chiwaula, L., Nagoli, J., Kambewa, P., Brooks, A., and Freeman, P. 2020. "Assessing the economic impacts of post-harvest fisheries losses in Malawi." World Development Perspectives 19.

View for Assessing the economic impacts of post-harvest fisheries losses in Malawi.



Wamukota, A. 2020. "Securefish Kenya." Presentation, Wildlife Conservation Society - Annual Fishers Forum, Tiwi Beach, Kenya, January 2020.



Wamukota, A. 2020. "SecureFish Kenya." Presentation, Unlocking a Resilient Blue Economy, Workshop organized by CordIo EA/IUCN, Mombasa, Kenya. March 12, 2020.



Wamukota, A. 2020. "SecureFish Kenya." Presentation, Annual Fishers Forum, Diani, Kenya, January 9, 2020.



Yossa, R., Gatlin, D., Greiling, A.M., Komugisha Basiita, R., Sakala, M.E., Baumgartner, W., Corace, D., and Taylor, A. 2020. "Field Notes - Replacement of fisheries-derived fishmeal with yeast-derived proteins for sustainable aquaculture in Zambia." The Chicago Council on Global Affairs Global Food for Thought. 

View for Field Notes - Replacement of fisheries-derived fishmeal with yeast-derived proteins for sustainable aquaculture in Zambia.



Allred, S., Ciaramella, M., Schilling, M. W., Petrie-Hanson, L., & Allen, P. J. (2019, March). Catfish responses to pond and harvest stressors and consequences for muscle quality. Paper presented at the meeting of the World Aquaculture Society, New Orleans, LA.



Allred, S., Shao, W., Schilling, M. W., Petrie-Hanson, L., & Allen, P. J. (2019). An assessment of red fillet prevalence in the catfish industry. Aquaculture, 507, 203-210. doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.04.020.



Carvalho, P. G., Jupiter, S. D., Januchowski-Hartley, F. A., Goetze, J., Claudet, J., Weeks, R., Humphries, A., & White, C. (2019). Optimized fishing through periodically harvested closures. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56, 1927-1936. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13417. Available at



Chesser, B. M., Green, C. C., & Allen, P. J. (2019). Egg production of Gulf Killifish is dependent on broodstock rearing density but not spawning substrate surface area. North American Journal of Aquaculture. doi: 10.1002/naaq.10087.



Chesser, B., & Allen, P. J. (2019). Effect of broodstock density and spawning substrate surface area on reproductive output of Gulf Killifish in commercial-scale recirculating aquaculture systems. Paper presented at the meeting of the World Aquaculture Society, New Orleans, LA.



Dey, M. M. (2019, December 27). Value chains in aquaculture and fisheries in Bangladesh: Recent advances and future research directions [Invited keynote presentation]. Fisheries Society of Bangladesh Biannual Conference, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.



Dey, M., Alam, M., Khan, M., & Hossain, M. (December 2019). Economics of Rohu based carp polyculture in Bangladesh: Efficiency, yield gap and nutritional perspectives. Presentation at The Biennial Conference of Fisheries Society of Bangladesh 2019, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.



Failler, P., & Hussain, M. G. (2019, May 9). A brief on EU-BGD joint collaboration on Blue Economy in Bangladesh [blog post]. Available at



Failler, P., & Hussain, M. G. (2019). Policy interventions for the development of the Blue Economy in Bangladesh. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 6(2). Available at



Guy, E. L., Menghe H., Mischke, C. C., Colvin, M., & Allen, P. J. (2019). Spawning and rearing suckers: lessons from Black Buffalo. Paper presented at the meeting of the World Aquaculture Society, New Orleans, LA.



Guy, E. L., Mischke, C. C., Colvin, M. E., Allen, P. J. (2019). Zooplankton selectivity by Black Buffalo in fertilized ponds. North American Journal of Aquaculture. doi: 10.1002/naaq.10089.



Hossain, M. E. (2019, December 31). Economics of rohu based carp polyculture in Bangladesh: Efficiency, yield gap and nutritional perspectives. Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.



Humphries, A. T., Gorospe, K. D., Carvalho, P.G., Yulianto, I., Kartawaijaya, T., Campbell, S. (2019). Catch composition and selectivity of fishing gears in a multi-species Indonesian coral reef fishery. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6(378). Available at



Hussain, G., Kohinoor, A., Rahman, M., Rahman, Z, & Nguyeh, N. H. (2019, April 12). Bangladesh’s tilapia aquaculture industry shows resilience: Recent successes traced to genetically improved farmed tilapia, effective fry dissemination [blog post]. Available at



Hussain, M. G. (2019, December 26). Aquaculture and fisheries sector in Bangladesh: Overview and government priorities [Paper presentation]. Challenges, Needs and Potentials of Aquaculture and Fisheries in Bangladesh seminar, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.



Hussain, M. G. (2019, December 27). Potentials of marine fisheries and mariculture under the concept of blue economy development in Bangladesh [Keynote presentation]. Fisheries Society of Bangladesh Biennial Conference, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.



Hussain, M. G. (2019, December). Aquaculture and fisheries sector in Bangladesh: Overview and government priorities. Presentation at Challenges, Needs and Potentials of Aquaculture and Fisheries in Bangladesh organised by “Genome Sequencing and Development of SNP Markers from Rohu” FIL QuickStart Project in Bangladesh, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.



Hussain, M. G. (2019, November 2). Sustainable aquaculture and fisheries development in Bangladesh: Country needs and sectoral priorities [Keynote presentation]. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries Development in Bangladesh: Country Needs and Sectoral Priorities seminar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.





Hussain, M. G., Failler, P., & Sarker, S. (2019). Future importance of maritime activities in Bangladesh. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, (6)2, Article 3. Available at



Hussain, M. G., Uddin, S. A., & Failler, P. (2019). Potentials for the development of blue economy: Prospects and challenges of mariculture in Bangladesh. Journal of Bangladesh, 9(1), 7-21.



Iannotti, L. (2019, June). Effective pathways towards reducing chronic malnutrition. In Ensuring children’s cognitive and physical development through animal source foods. Symposium conducted by Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems, Washington DC.



Iannotti, L. (2019, June). Lulun II: Follow-up cohort study. In Young child nutrition, eggs, and poultry production. Symposium conducted at the annual conference of the American Society for Nutrition.



Iannotti, L. (2019, May). Of Shores & Savannas: Evolutionary aspects of animal source food nutrition. Presentation at the Aligning the Food System for Improved Nutrition in Animal Source Foods conference, Davis, CA. Slides available at



Khan, M. A. (2019, December 26). Economics of rohu based carp polyculture in Bangladesh: Efficiency, yield gap and nutritional perspectives [Paper presentation]. Challenges, Needs and Potential of Aquaculture and Fisheries in Bangladesh workshop, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.



Kolbila, R., Ragsdale, K., Marinda, P., Read-Wahidi, M., Pincus, L, & Torell, E. (2019, October). Fish4Zambia: Research to close fish consumption and nutrition gaps in Zambia. Presentation at the 2019 Mississippi State University Graduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State, MS. 



Lawrence, M. (2019, March). Use of essential oils as alternative treatment to control Edwardsiella ictaluri infection in catfish. Presentation at the World Aquaculture Society annual meeting, New Orleans, LA. 



Lawrence, M. (2019, May). Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish: Advancing the fish value chain and human nutrition. Presentation at the WorldFish-USAID Knowledge Sharing Session, Washington, DC.



Lawrence, M. (2019, October 7). Microbial genomics as a tool for vaccine development [seminar]. University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Biology, Birmingham, AL. 



Lawrence, M. (2019, September). Improved nutrition security through increased access to and consumption of fish. In Accessing innovation lab food security & resilience innovations. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Feed the Future Innovation Labs, Washington, DC.



Lawrence, M., Elhassan, O., Arthur, R., Hanson, L., Gaunt, P., Bin, H., & Sharan, V. (2019, July). Lightning talks. In T. Pesek (Moderator), Aquaculture biosecurity: The invisible threat of antimicrobial resistance. Congressional briefing hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Mississippi State University Global Center for Aquatic Food Security, Washington, DC.



Omer, A.R., Henderson, J., Falconer, L., Kroger, R., & Allen, P. J. (2019). Economic costs of using tailwater recovery systems for maintaining water quality and irrigation. Journal of Environmental Management.

View for Economic costs of using tailwater recovery systems for maintaining water quality and irrigation.



Patil, P. G., Virdin, J., Colgan, C. S., Hussain, M. G., Failler, P., & Veigh, T. (2019). Initial measures of the economic activity linked to Bangladesh’s ocean space, and implications for the country’s Blue Economy policy objectives. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 6(2).

View for Initial measures of the economic activity linked to Bangladesh’s ocean space, and implications for the country’s Blue Economy policy objectives.



Stewart, C., Caswell, B., Iannotti, L., Lutter, C., Arnold, C., Chipatala, R., Prado, E., & Maleta, K. (2019). The effect of eggs on early child growth in rural Malawi: The Mazira Project randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, nqz163.

View for The effect of eggs on early child growth in rural Malawi: The Mazira Project randomized controlled trial. 



Stewart, H. A., Aboagye, D. L., Ramee, S. W., & Allen, P. J. (2019). Effects of acute thermal stress on acid-base regulation, haematology, ion-osmoregulation and aerobic metabolism in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Aquaculture Research.

View for Effects of acute thermal stress on acid-base regulation, haematology, ion-osmoregulation and aerobic metabolism in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus).



Surathkal, P., & Dey, M. M. (2019). Import penetration and price relationships: An empirical analysis of the U.S. catfish market. Aquaculture Economics & Management.

View for Import penetration and price relationships: An empirical analysis of the U.S. catfish market. Aquaculture Economics & Management.



Torell, E., Bilecki, D., Owusu, A., Crawford, B., Beran, K., & Kent, K. (2019). Assessing the impacts of gender integration in Ghana's fisheries sector. Coastal Management, doi: 10.1080/08920753.2019.1669098.

View for Assessing the impacts of gender integration in Ghana's fisheries sector. 
